Guest Artists
Women artists are encouraged to apply as occasional guest artists. Each month, Nice Girls of the North selects guest artists from the applicant pool. Applications are open for our 2025 season (February - December). Be sure to include which month you would like.
Each month, Nice Girls of the North selects guest artists from the applicant pool.
These are juried spots, and your application will be reviewed by our committee for approval. The selection committee will notify artists accepted as a guest. Application does not equal entry to show. You will be notified and then be requested to pay invoice to secure your spot.
The guest artists pay a $30 application fee ($40 for the busier, more heavily advertised holiday season of October, November, and December) which includes the table and all advertising. The selection committee will notify artists accepted as a guest. Artists not selected will have their application fee returned.
We can send a Paypal invoice once accepted, or you may send a check once you have been notified of acceptance. No refunds if you cancel with out on month's notice.
Click on the tabs below and download the Nice Girls of the North guest artist application and agreement for more information, OR apply on the automated form below. Please read all information and follow directions to email photos as well. Make sure to include the month you are interested in.
Application check should be made out to: Nice Girls of the North
Application packet should be mailed to:
Maria Combs
5012 Oneida St.
Duluth, MN 55804
Feel free to email photos of your work to:
[email protected]